A big shout out to the HS Boys Basketball team with a big win over Decatur at home tonight! #DiamondBasketball #TimeToWork
Congrats to the HS Boys Basketball team with a big conference win over Eureka Springs at home! #TimeToWork #DiamondBasketball
Diamond Fans,
We need your support tonight as we take on Eureka Springs in basketball at home. The JH boys start at 5 followed by HS girls then HS boys around 7. Come support our team in this important conference contest. #GameDay. #DiamondBasketball
Please support this Arkansas Arts Academy fundraiser for Spring 2021 by vising https://fancloth.shop/Xfx4q We have all sorts of AAA gear for sale. Thank you!
Need something to do tonight? Come out to the AAO on Dixieland in Rogers to watch the Diamonds take on Providence! #DiamondBasketball
A big shout out to the Junior High Girls basketball team for a close game with only the Diamond Five against the Knights! #Diamond5. #Eva22 #Uma25 #Dallie12 #Haylen13 #Sara21
Go Diamonds! The HS Boys Basketball team just earned a big win on the road over the Alpena Leopards. It is great to have this group representing our school. #Artist+Athlete=Diamond
Weather Advisory Canceled - Regular School Day Today
Arkansas Arts Academy Administration
Due to the possibility of inclement weather, if Arkansas Arts Academy needs to close tomorrow, we will send out an alert via text message and email to all Parents/Guardians around 6:00 - 6:30 AM.
Sign up with the Rogers Activity Center for soccer! The deadline is Jan 13. Grades K-8
Soccer sign ups are happening now through Jan. 13th at the Rogers Activity Center! Check out their website for more info https://www.rogersar.gov/717/Youth-Soccer
A big shout out to the HS boys basketball team for a conference win on the road tonight at Decatur! #DiamondBasketball. #TimeToWork
A turkey has been spotted playing Bach this morning at the K-6 campus. A turkey playing keys! #DiamondPiano
We are very excited to get to hear some our of 5th-6th grade piano students this AM at Rise and Shine. #DiamondPiano.
Perfect handmade gifts on sale now! Visit this link to view unique student artwork at the virtual AAA Art Bazaar! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSXeuyvZC7i0ZS2v6Z337BWMWtLe9aWmaElOCeNSGf7Onad_zNsjrc-XZ29abI3wrjBUXcT_QorRoJy/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=10000
Big shout out to Mrs. Hatfield’s Dance class performance at halftime tonight! #DiamondDance #HeyMickey!
Congrats to the Junior High Girls Basketball team with their first conference win in history with their victory over Lifeway! #DiamondsWin. #ComeWatch
AAA Families,
With the distribution of the first round of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in Arkansas, we wanted to put out a short FAQ about the vaccine. Here are some helpful links as well.
Nurse Katie and Mrs. Morgan
Winter Break Meal Pick Up Available! Use this link to reserve you meals for Dec. 28th-Jan. 4th. https://forms.gle/2gTxTs4rq6fS5wjB7
There is an outage on G-Suite, including G-Mail - service is inconsistent. Therefore there will be no instruction today and students will have asynchronous assignments which will be due by end of day Friday. We're sorry for the inconvenience.