Are you ready for some new AAA Diamonds gear? Our new Fan Cloth catalog is now available at Make sure you check it out. Cross Country is the focus of this sale but there are options for all. Deadline is Friday.
The 7-12 North Route bus is having windshield wiper issues and will be late for pickup at Lewis and Clark and the high school. Thank you for your patience!
Flashback Friday!! In solidarity with the K-6 campus, this Friday is Flashback Friday. Wear your best 80s gear and we'll rock out to Classic 80s music in the morning and at lunch. Remember to stay in dress code!
HS Message: 2018-2019 Yearbooks are finally in! Mrs. Klatt will be set up in the Commons on Fri. from 4:00 - 4:30 for pick up and sales. If you are no longer at AAA, please send us an address or feel free to stop by the office to pick it up. 2019-2020 YB will be out in May!
Sports physicals will be held this Monday starting at 2 in the 7-12 Nurse's office. All student athletes are required to have a sport physical each year. The history form sent in email and posted on the website must be filled out to get the physical.
Here is the link for My Payments Plus. Through this link you will to be able to pay for class fees, school supplies fees, field trips fees and lunches on line.
You will need your student ID numbers to register your student for this service.
The Rogers Activity Center (RAC) has partnered with AAA to provide on-campus after-school care for our K-8th graders. There is a $30 weekly fee and students will need to have RAC Memberships. Space is limited, so please contact the RAC today to apply!