It's International Day of Dance! Check out our dancers working on their choreography at home:
Student Art Spotlight Susanna McWilliams, 2nd grade.
Title: Spring
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
New Arkansas Arts Academy Foundation Facebook Page that will be used for the K6 Elementary Capital Campaign: Please like and share with your facebook friends!
Student Art Spotlight Evie Gillespie, 5th grade, took her artistic muscles outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather to ride 102.6 miles in 5 days with her dad. Awesome! Coach Fred would be proud.
Student Art Spotlight Abby Clark, 3rd grade. Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Student Art Spotlight Gabe Morgan, 10th grade.
Title: Nature's Kitchen
We hope you are enjoying this weekend's great weather!
Student Art Spotlight Addison Medlin, 8th grade.
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Student Art Spotlight would like to congratulate Leo Rea, 3rd grade, for his winning submission to the Flatfoot 56 album art competition. Leo won $50 to Flatfoot 56's online store.
Title: Odd Boat
Student Art Spotlight would like to congratulate Theo Webb, 10th grade, for having a piece of art accepted into Gov. Hutchison's Young Artist Competition. The title is "Migration" and is a digital rendition of two seagulls that represent the Young Artist Competition theme, "Home". The Governor's art exhibit can be viewed with this link:
Student Art Spotlight Owen Gillespie, 2nd grade.
Title: Cute Panda
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Sibling Student Art Spotlight Jonathan & Miley Barrios, 3rd & 5th grade. Titles: Green Falls & Shadow Tree
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Student Art Spotlight wanted to give a shout out to our students' families.
Antonella Hernandez, 4th grade, enjoyed creating this masterpiece with her grandfather.
Student Art Spotlight Molly Curington, 2nd grade.
Title: Fairy Village
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Student Art Spotlight AJ Givens, 8th grade.
Title: Portrait of a Woman
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artistic performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!
Double Student Art Spotlight
Emmie Schaefer, 5th grade, and Aden Sneary, 4th grade, sharing their abstract art.
Student Art Spotlight reminding you that Earth Day is in one week. Hannah Evans, 6th, Taliah Pigo 5th, Evie Wright, 3rd, Tommy Schuster, 1st.
Student Art Spotlight Axton Jones, 6th grade.
Title: Earth Art Project
Student Art Spotlight Anais Bowerman, 8th grade. Click the link to see how Anais's creation came together.
Student Art Spotlight Alex Poor, 7th grade.
Title: Creme Brûlée
Yum! If only we could post smells on the medias too!
Sister Student Art Spotlight Amelia & Sophia Lewis, 5th & 7th grade.
Title: Chalk Art
Submit K-12th artwork (picture) or short artist performance (video) to Mrs. Carpenter for a chance to be the next student-art spotlight!