Thanksgiving Community Resources: First Baptist Church Rogers will be making free Thanksgiving meal deliveries, between 9 a.m. and noon on Thanksgiving Day. To reserve meals, call 479- 636-3451, from 9-4 p.m., starting Monday, November 14 - Thursday, November 17. The meal will consist of ham, green beans, potatoes and gravy, dressing, a roll, and dessert. The Bentonville Community Church will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, November 21. They will have some turkey, Thanksgiving food, and pantry items. Bentonville Community Church is located at 216 NW A St. Bentonville - They share the parking garage with Bentonville Community Church and are located in the garage across from the playground. Samaritan Community Center will open their Food Pantry, from 10 a.m. until noon Tuesday, November 22 and will provide lunch, from 10:30 - 12:30 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Community Thanksgiving Resources
TASC will visit the High School campus tomorrow, Thursday, November 10th! We encourage students to drop by, say hello, and learn more about all the wonderful programs TASC offers our community! You will find the TASC team in the cafeteria during all three lunches.
about 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
The Primary Goal of the parent guild is to provide fundraising and volunteer support to the visual and performing arts staff and students of Arkansas Arts Academy. Some activities include organizing parent volunteers for productions, managing the boutique, designing and organizing cast shirts, seeking sponsorships, and organizing cast parties. In addition, parent guild funds support the performing arts field trips, fund guest teaching artists, boutique expenses, and other incidentals to support productions and arts events. On Tuesday, November 29th, we will discuss upcoming events and plan for parent volunteers to support these events.
about 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Parent Guild Meeting
Arkansas Arts Academy 2023-2024 Lottery Registration is NOW open. For information: For Tours or to arrange a Student Shadow Visit: please reach out to Aaron Jones, or Amy Kessler
about 2 years ago, Dr. Allison Roberts, CEO
Nov. 7th Monday Memo! Nov. 7th-14th: K6 Book Fair @ K6 Library Nov. 7th-10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales Nov. 8th: All Day: Scooter’s Coffee on Walnut St. Spirit Night Nov. 8th: 6:30pm: School Board Meeting @ HS Campus Commons Nov. 10th: Art on the Bricks-Art by Veterans @ Downtown Rogers Nov. 10th: Veterans Day Assembly @ HS Campus Nov. 11th: No School - Veterans Day Nov. 11th: 5pm-9pm: Adult Book Fair Fundraiser at Rogers Experimental House Nov. 14th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Literacy Night
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Nov. 7th Monday Memo
Please join AAA Orchestra and Symphony Students under the direction of Garrett Jones on Thursday, November 17th, in the Arkansas Arts Academy Performing Arts Center.
over 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Fall Orchestra Concert
Save the Dates! Both AAA Campuses will host a Literacy Night for the November Family Engagement Event. Come browse literacy and arts integration projects from 5:30-6:30pm and learn tips on helping your child with reading skills. The K6 Book Fair will be open in the K6 library! Please join us for our Saturday, December 3rd Family Engagement Event from 10am-12pm at the HS Campus. We will discuss the book "No Drama Discipline" by Dr. Daniel Siegel. Books are available for check out with the school counselors.,,
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Dec. 3rd Book Talk
Thank you to everyone that join us at the AAA Night at the Museum! We love seeing our students and families come together at the beautiful Crystal Bridges to discuss learning that happens in and out of the classroom. Mark your calendar for April 13th for the Spring Semester Night at the Museum!
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum
Register NOW for the 2023-2024 school year Experience creativity and innovation within a FREE open enrollment K-12 environment with exemplar arts pathways and arts integration in all core content areas. Contact:
over 2 years ago, Dr. Allison Roberts, CEO
Tonight is AAA NIGHT @ THE MUSEUM from 6-8 pm! Come celebrate our partnership with Crystal Bridges Museum and see our K-12 students make curricular connections in the galleries with works in the Museum’s collection. There is NO COST for this event!
over 2 years ago, Aaron Jones
AAA Night @ the Museum a K-12 Open Enrollment FREE Charter ART School in NWA. Designed for students interested in creative & innovative learning environments. Free transportation, field trips, arts pathways and rigorous core instruction.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Allison Roberts, CEO
Picture 2022-2023 Lottery Registration begins TODAY! For details please go to To schedule a tour, a day to shadow or more information please contact: Pam Lewis, District Registrar,
over 2 years ago, Dr. Allison Roberts, CEO
The American Foundation of Sucide Prevention presented important information at the High School campus last week. For more information about this topic, please visit the AFSP website at
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Thank you to SONA for their mentorship in our high school symphony class. The Symphony of Northwest Arkansas visits Arkansas Arts Academy monthly to support our music department.
over 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Congrats to the AAA cross country team in their 2022 season. Runners put in hard work and dedication the last few months and it was shown in their final race at conference on Wednesday. There were several amazing personal records from 30 seconds to 2 1/2 minutes faster than any of their previous races. In the jr. high 2 mile, Lillian James medaled and was 10th place with a PR of 16:06, Karleigh Watson had a PR of 16:57, and Alexis Tucker had a PR of 22:27. In the high school 5k, Josie Sallings had a PR of 33:36 and Raymond Kennedy had a PR of 44:10. Eben Cooper (19:10), Gerardo Oria (14:42), Leo Parks (5k 25:49), and Emma Kennedy (24:32) pushed it hard through the race and finished strong.
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
Cross Country
AAA Fashion Department collaborates with Ozark Ballet Theatre to provide beautiful costumes for ODT's upcoming Nutcracker in December under Dana Doughty's direction. Students will receive free tickets to the performances, their names in the program, and photos of the dancers in the costumes they made. Ozark Ballet Theater partners with AAA to provide scholarships for our students and performance opportunities. Tickets are available through this link.
over 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Costumes 2
Costumes 3
Don’t Miss AAA NIGHT @ THE MUSEUM! Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 6-8 pm! Come celebrate our partnership with Crystal Bridges Museum and see our K-12 students make curricular connections with works in the Museum’s collection. There is NO COST for this event!
over 2 years ago, Aaron Jones
AAA Night @ the Museum
Oct. 31st Monday Memo! Oct. 31st-Nov. 10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales Oct. 31st: 2nd Quarter Begins Nov. 1st: AAA Lottery Registration Opens for 2023-2024 School Year Nov. 2nd: 3pm-6pm: Kansas City Art Institute Portfolio Review @ HS Campus Nov. 3rd: 8:30am-12pm: Optional Senior Cap/Gown Portrait Picture Day @ HS Campus Nov. 3rd: 6pm-8pm: AAA Night at the Museum @ Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Nov. 4th-Nov. 14th: 7:30am-4:15pm: K6 Book Fair @ K6 Library (closed 2pm-3:45pm) Nov. 4th: 8:30am: K6 PTA Meeting @ K6 Campus PTA Room in Gym Nov. 5th: 11am-3pm: NWACC Portfolio Day for Visual Art @ NWACC
over 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Oct 31st Monday Memo
AAA’s Acting students have been studying Shakespeare this semester through master-class workshops with industry professionals from TheatreSquared. This Fall’s “Double Feature” of one acts represents the culmination of that work. The Acting 1 students will present a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in original Shakespearean text, while the Acting 2 students have devised their own comedic retelling of “MacBeth” in modern language.
over 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Double Feature
EMS Lost and Found: Students walk by these items on their way to PE. If you recognize an item, please let me know. Thank you! Nurse Katie
over 2 years ago, Katie Milligan