The AAA School Board meeting tonight has been postponed until next week. Please join us on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the AAA High School commons for the February AAA School Board meeting.
almost 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Join us for an exceptional evening of Ukrainian culture, art and music! Friday Feb. 24th 5-8pm. Enjoy performances by AAA students, sample traditional Ukrainian dishes and listen to the beautiful sounds of Bandura instrument. Singer Yuliia Tymochko, runner up in Ukraine’s version of The Voice, is making a special trip to Northwest Arkansas to perform at the event. Hugs From Friends in partnership with the Arkansas Arts Academy have organized this family friendly event to bring awareness about the conflict in Ukraine and showcase organizations providing humanitarian aid. Donations from this event will benefit Hugs From Friends and savED, an organization based in Chernihiv Ukraine that is dedicated to rebuilding schools destroyed in the war. The event is free and open to everyone. Register for the event on eventbrite
almost 2 years ago, Aaron Jones
Last weekend our theatre Troupe 7414 traveled with 14 outstanding theatre students to the Arkansas State Thespian Festival in Russellville. All students spent the weekend competing in individual events, networking with over 1,400 theatre students from across the state, and attending masterclass workshops with industry professionals. Workshops included Voice Acting, Audition Techniques, Stage Combat, Improvisation, Shakespeare, Dance, Playwriting, and many more. Our Troupe had two students recognized as "Superior" in their performance categories. Zachary Phillips in Solo Acting and Elisabeth Miller in Solo Musical. Both students received an overall "Superior" rating, and each was asked to compete in the final round of performances for best in show consideration. Other students that received noteworthy recognition were Pryce Safley, Savanna Mobley, Zadie Latimer, and Bekah Willson. These students received "Excellent" ratings in the Solo Acting competition. Kaiya Erwin and Max Heithaus received "Excellent" ratings in Solo Musical. Jewel Kuhn and Bailee Franklin received an "Excellent" rating in Duet Acting. Additionally, Alexandria Jones and Genna Crafton were each nominated for State Thespian Scholarship consideration. And Genna Crafton was named our Troupe's "Honor Thespian." Overall the Arkansas Arts Academy returned from the weekend with our students gaining tons of industry knowledge, invaluable audition experience, many new friendships, and countless memories. So please join us in celebrating our Troupe 7414 Thespians!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
AAA High School Parent-Teacher Conferences begin this afternoon. Wednesday, February 8 and Thursday, February 9 from 4:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Teachers will be centrally located in the commons and PAC. No appointments needed! Translation services available.
almost 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Help select a winning door for the National School Week door decorating competition at EMS. Teachers and students decorated their classroom doors highlighting why they love #schoolchoice and #arkansasartsacademy
almost 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Opportunities for arts enrichment over spring intersession!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
K6 tiny lost and found: Please email Nurse Katie at if you recognize any items. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Katie Milligan
The Black History Music and Dance Celebration is postponed to Thursday, February 16th. Tickets are still available on the AAA Eventbrite page.
about 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
AAA will remain closed tomorrow, Friday, 2/3/2023 for student and staff safety. With the predicted refreeze tonight, we will error on the side of safety. We will welcome everyone Monday, February 6, 2023. AAA will discuss the make up day at the 2/14/23 board meeting. Stay safe.
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
parking lot
Register for a FREE Social Emotional Learning Fitness through Social Emotional Learning AND Movement Therapy 2/15/23 7:00-8:15pm SEL Fitness in collaboration with Choose Love teaches students the tools to access the potential within themselves by moving the static, shifting the mindset, resetting the nervous system and evolving the culture within the student. Research proves that the human brain and body needs to be stimulated so students can truly access the executive functions in the brain, while learning HOW to tap into their positive reservoirs as they mature and grow in today’s society. Establishing, implementing and honoring effective lifestyle habits and practices is an essential tool to the foundation and quality of our mental health, physical bodies and emotional well-being. “If we want more then let’s do differently” and press play with SEL Fitness + Choose Love Program! -Explore and maximize the “Affect” component of Choose Love Programming and Social Emotional Learning. -Learn and experience effective and integral lifestyle habits and tools that can be implemented consistently, improving the mental, physical and emotional well-being of growing children, adolescents and hardworking adults. -Understand the benefits of small bouts of movement therapy which improves focus, attention, on-task behavior, emotional regulation, interpersonal social skills and impulse control, while initiating and facilitating neuroplasticity and new pathways in the brain of all ages. -Experience hands-on the release of stress and anxiety, flushing of the foggy brain, a surge in energy, a shift and uplift of your mindset and the powerful reset of your autonomic nervous system. -Change the culture within yourself, your classrooms and in your home to Choose Love. Register HERE:
about 2 years ago, Amber Foster
SEL Fitness
Based on the current road conditions and the pending weather predicted for this evening, AAA will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 2, 2023. We will have a snow day, covered within our calendar. Stay safe and warm. If you are in need of assistance, please reach out.
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
AAA staff and students: How are you being creative during these snow days? What books are you reading? Share your pictures and lets celebrate creativity, imagination and love of reading.
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
AAA will remain closed tomorrow, Wednesday-February 1, 2023, due to continued weather and icy road conditions. Enjoy the snow day. Our 2022-2023 school calendar has 30 hours of built in snow day time, so currently there are no days to make up yet. Stay safe!
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
ems is hiring BUS DRIVERS! Starting at $20.00 per hour, 5.5 hrs daily. Extra hours for field trips. Must have a CDL with passenger & air break endorsements. Training provided. 77 pass. Buses are new with Transportant systems. Contact
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Ms. Le has set the bar high during the National School Choice Week Door Competition. Look at the many communities AAA students come from. We Love our School! #arkansasartsacademy #schoolchoice #schoolchoiceweek #artsintegration
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
sc Annual Archery Tournament is tomorrow, Saturday 1/28/23. Come and support our EMS and HS archers at the EMS Gym. Elem. Flight = 9:00 a.m., MS Flight 1=10:00 am, MS Flight 2=11:00 a.m., HS Flight 1=12:00 p.m., HS Flight 2 = 1:00 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Arkansas Arts Academy Elementary/Middle School Essential teachers celebrate why we love #schoolchoice and #arkansasartsacademy. We encourage students to think outside of the box. #nationalschoolchoice #weloveourschool #schoolchoice #artsintegration
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
Attention Theater and Choir Students Across NWA Arkansas!
about 2 years ago, Amy Kessler
Musical Theater is seeking applications for one open spot on our school board. Current parents, parents of graduated alumni and members of our NWA community partners are eligible to apply. For additional information and how to apply:
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy
bm 5th grade teachers celebrate National School Choice Week by showing why they think AAA is awesome! #nationalschoolchoice #arkansasartsacademy
about 2 years ago, Arkansas Arts Academy