Congratulations to the AAA HS Concert and Chamber Choirs! Under the direction of Rebeca Adler, both choirs earned Superior (I) ratings from all three judges at the Choral Performance Assessment earlier this month. Shine on Diamonds!
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Dale
We hope you are enjoying your spring break. We wanted to let you know of some changes to our EMS drop-off and pick up routines. These efforts are to maintain the safety and supervision of all students while optimizing our teachers' time during duty assignments. One adjustment is that drop off time will now start at 7:20 a.m.. No staff will be on supervision duty before 7:20 a.m. so no students should be dropped off at the EMS before 7:20. In addition, we strongly encourage parents NOT to check out students for dismissal after 2:30, in attempts to get ahead of school dismissal. Teachers use the last 30 minutes of the day for instruction and the disruption impacts both students and teachers. Please work to schedule your student's appointments or afterschool meetings after school dismissal. If you need to check out your student for an immediate need, please do so before 2:30 or wait until dismissal. We are working diligently to make changes within the building to speed up the dismissal process. Since our mask requirement has been lifted, we are able to group students in preparation for car line pick up. Our goal is to have all students gone by 3:30 at the latest. Thank you for your support. We will see you on March 28th!
almost 3 years ago, K-6 Campus
Tonight at 5:30 is the NWACC Early College Experience Parent Engagement Night. Jennifer Ockinga, NWACC ECE High School Advisor, will join us in the 7-12 campus commons to share concurrent credit classes and associate degree options available to AAA students. Please join us. If you have any questions, you may email Kimberly Miller:
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Dale
Good luck to the 4-5 archery team in state tournament in Hot Springs on Friday! #DiamondArchery
almost 3 years ago, K-6 Campus
Dr. Seuss was celebrated as part of National Reading Month this week at the K-6. # DiamondsRead
almost 3 years ago, K-6 Campus
We have 3 AAA K-6 students who have qualified to play in the Blue Note Cup Hockey championships this weekend in St. Louis. This is the state championship for Missouri and Arkansas. Owen Gillespie, Owen Kennedy, and Liam Phillipon will look to become state champions! #Diamonds
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Aramark is hiring a food service worker for the Arkansas Arts Academy Elementary School for a 7am-2pm shift
almost 3 years ago, Victor Craig
Check out some of our Diamonds today dressed up for Crazy For Kindness Week as part of National Random Acts of Kindness Week! # DiamondsCare
almost 3 years ago, K-6 Campus
Don’t forget we are out of school tomorrow Diamonds so enjoy the Super Bowl tonight and Valentines tomorrow. #DiamondBengals. #DiamondRams
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Mrs. Harding’s 3rd grade class still celebrated 101 days of school Dalmatian style even though the weather tried to stop it. Ice and snow can not hold back the creativity of the Diamonds! #DiamondDalmatians
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Here are the changes to the elementary cafeteria menu for this week: Tuesday Chicken Tenders w/Roll Pizza Pack Veggie Burger Wednesday Dorito Nachos Sunbutter/Jelly Sandwich Chef Salad Thursday Chicken Nuggets w/Roll Ham Sub Sandwich Veggie Burger
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
cafeteria food
Cyberbullying and Cyber Safety Parent Night is tonight from 5:30-6:30 pm Jeremy Gabbard, an AAA parent and a certified information systems security professional with 25 years experience, will present on cyber safety and cyberbullying. The session will be hosted virtually. You can connect through Zoom.
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Dale
Zoom Information
6th Grade Parents- please know that the exit from the 6th grade center on to 12th Street will be closed for a few days.
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Mrs. Willard's 3rd grade class took the opportunity provided by our gift of snow to do an amazing STEAM activity. Students built small snowmen and experimented with different designs to keep them insulated to last while indoors. #DiamondSnow #DiamondVirtual
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Tomorrow is another AMI day (virtual learning), don’t forget to meet with your teacher, complete your work, practice your art, read, and play! #DiamondsWorkHardPlayHard
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Make sure your child engages with their homeroom teacher in their Google meeting today. Also spend some curled up with a great book. #DiamondsAtHome. #DiamondsRead
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Dear K-12 Parents: The Community Engagement Committee would like to invite you to our February Parent Night from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Monday, February 7, in the 7-12 Commons. Jeremy Gabbard, an AAA parent and a certified information systems security professional with 25 years experience, will present on cyber safety and cyberbullying. Snacks will be provided. A zoom invite will also be emailed for those parents wishing to attend virtually.
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Dale
Parents Top 10
Look at these amazing animal art pieces made by our students in Mrs. Price’s art class. #DiamondArt #OnlyAtAAA
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Don’t forget to bring your Chromebooks, iPads, and chargers back to school tomorrow with your device fully charged. We look forward to seeing you all back on campus. #WelcomeBack
almost 3 years ago, Matt Young
Great job Diamonds on your virtual learning! We have had some classes have 100% attendance in their meetings. Keep it up# DiamondStrong
about 3 years ago, Matt Young