about 1 year ago, Katie Bouwhuis
We are so excited for our upcoming Jamboree.  Please sign up to help if you can. https://bit.ly/477K0SF
Our Book Fair is being extended through Monday Morning! Parents can come and shop before carline today starting as early as 2:30pm, so please come and see all the wonderful things our book fair has to offer.
about 1 year ago, Katie Bouwhuis
Book Fair is extended through Monday Morning!
Here is the school supply list for Kinder through 6th grade. The first day of school for all grades is August 17. Kindergarten open house & picnic is on August 14 from 5:00-6:00. 1st, 3rd, & 5th grade open house is on August 15 from 4:00-5:00. 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade open house is August 15 from 5:30-6:30. Class lists will be shared at the beginning of August.
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
School supply list
Get your school supplies before the rush! Here is the school supply list for grades K-6 and essentials. Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades can buy a school agenda at open house or through their homeroom teacher when school begins August 17! (Open house times: kindergarten- 8/14 5:00-6:00, 1st, 3rd, & 5th grades- 8/15 4:00-5:00, 2nd, 4th, & 6th grades- 8/15 5:30-6:30)
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
K-6 Supply List
K-8 Summer School students and teachers explored Cosmic Caverns today to celebrate a great two weeks of learning and fun at AAA! We will start back up for a second two week session after a week off for the 4th of July.
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
in the cave
Ms. Rozzana
descending into the cave
about to start exploring
taking a break in the cave
Exciting things are happening at the elementary! First Church Springdale brought a crew of amazing volunteers who are working on multiple projects around the campus. Be on the lookout for a new stage in the shade, raised flower beds, benches and more!
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
building at the elementary
Come join us at the elementary campus for our art show! Enjoy art displays, dance, improv, and guitar! May 23rd at 4:30pm.
over 1 year ago, Haylee Alsdorf
Arts Cafe
Cafe de las Artes
Come join us for the Arts Cafe!
over 1 year ago, Haylee Alsdorf
Arts Cafe
Cafe de las Artes
Muffins with Mom is this Friday! Join us at the elementary school from 7:15-7:45 to have a muffin and juice before school starts with your kids! RSVP using the QR code on the flyer. See you there!
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
Muffins with Mom
Magdalenas con Mama
Join us for Muffins with Mom on May 12 at 7:15 at the K-6 Campus. Use the QR code on the flyer to RSVP! See you there!
over 1 year ago, AAA K-6
Muffins with Mom
April 18 AAA Elementary will celebrate the planting of SEVEN trees on our playground! Trees are provided by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture- Forestry Division through their Shade Trees On Playgrounds (STOP) program! We will have performances from 9:00-10:30 in the gym celebrating trees and will have an official planting ceremony at 1:30 on the playground. Join us for one or both of the events on Tuesday!
almost 2 years ago, AAA K-6
Planting Ceremony
Planting Ceremony
Help us congratulate Mrs. Zincone! She is our AAA Elementary Teacher of the Month for April!
almost 2 years ago, AAA K-6
Mrs. Zincone, Teacher of the Month
Both campuses of Arkansas Arts Academy will be closed today, Tuesday, April 4th, while a safety threat is investigated. Student safety is always the top priority at Arkansas Arts Academy. We will provide additional information as soon as possible. AAA Admin Team
almost 2 years ago, Jamie Dale
Join us for an exceptional evening of Ukrainian culture, art and music! Friday Feb. 24th 5-8pm. Enjoy performances by AAA students, sample traditional Ukrainian dishes and listen to the beautiful sounds of Bandura instrument. Singer Yuliia Tymochko, runner up in Ukraine’s version of The Voice, is making a special trip to Northwest Arkansas to perform at the event. Hugs From Friends in partnership with the Arkansas Arts Academy have organized this family friendly event to bring awareness about the conflict in Ukraine and showcase organizations providing humanitarian aid. Donations from this event will benefit Hugs From Friends and savED, an organization based in Chernihiv Ukraine that is dedicated to rebuilding schools destroyed in the war. The event is free and open to everyone. Register for the event on eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nwa-4-ukraine-an-evening-of-peace-love-and-support-registration-506690684477?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete
almost 2 years ago, Aaron Jones
Dec. 19th Monday Memo! Dec. 19th: K6 Spirit Day: Wear Winter Sweaters and Hats Dec. 19th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Financial Aid / FAFSA Dec. 20th: K6 Spirit Day: Wear Fleece, Flannel, or Buffalo Plaid Dec. 21st: K6 Spirit Day: Wear Pajamas Dec. 21st: K6 Winter Parties Dec. 21st: 6pm-8pm: K6 PTA Spirit Night @ Defy in Rogers Dec. 22nd-Jan. 8th: Winter Break - No School
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Dec. 19th Monday Memo
Attention K6 Campus: Don't forget to show your winter spirit this week. Monday: Wear festive sweaters and hats Tuesday: Wear fleece, flannel, or buffalo plaid Wednesday: pajama day
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
K6 Spirit Days
Friday the 16th is the last day to donate to the K6 Campus canned food drive. Please drop off items no later than 10am on Friday. Thank you for all the donations so far! We've gotten an AMAZING collection!
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
K6 Food Drive
K6 Food Drive
Dec. 12th Monday Memo! Dec. 5th-16th: K6 Campus Canned Food Drive Dec. 12th: 6pm-9pm: Winter Showcase Night #2: HS Modern Music Winter Concert @ HS Campus Commons Dec. 12: HS Winter Spirit Week: Monochromatic Monday Dec. 13th: 6pm-8pm: Winter Showcase Night #3: An Evening of Gifts. Featuring HS Students. @ HS Campus Dec. 13th: 6:30pm: School Board Meeting @ K6 Campus Dec. 13th: HS Winter Spirit Week: Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher Dec. 14th: HS Winter Spirit Week: Wacky Winter Socks & Sweaters Dec. 15th: HS Winter Spirit Week: Dress Up Like Your Favorite Artist Dec. 16th: HS Winter Spirit Week: Pajama Day Dec. 16th: 8am: K6 Campus Rise & Shine Assembly Dec. 19th: K6 Spirit Day: Wear Winter Sweaters and Hats Dec. 19th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Financial Aid / FAFSA
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Dec. 12th Monday Memo
The K6 Campus is hosting a Food Drive! The class that collects the most items will win a pizza party! Please have students drop off non-perishable items to their homeroom teacher.
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
K6 Food Drive
K6 Food Drive
December 5th Monday Memo! Dec. 5th-16th: K6 Campus Canned Food Drive Dec. 7th: HS Campus Retake Picture Day Dec. 8th: K6 Campus Retake Picture Day Dec. 9th: 6pm-7pm: 5th-12th Grade Arts Winter Showcase Night #1: Showcase Opening: 5th/6th grade choir, dance, and piano @ HS Campus PAC Dec. 10th: ACT Test @ HS Campus Dec. 12th: 6pm-9pm: Winter Showcase Night #2: HS Modern Music Winter Concert @ HS Campus Commons Dec. 13th: 6pm-8pm: Winter Showcase Night #3: An Evening of Gifts. Featuring HS Students. @ HS Campus Dec. 13th: 6:30pm: School Board Meeting @ K6 Campus
about 2 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Dec. 5th Monday Memo