We are so excited to offer a pop-up mini Book Fair from Once Upon a Time Books tonight, Dec 1st, during Parent Literacy Night held at the K6 Campus! We are offering gently-used children's books $1-$6 each. There are a lot of popular titles! It is CASH ONLY, so please come prepared. The entire district is invited to attend! We look forward to seeing you!
K6 Campus: We are so excited to offer a pop-up mini Book Fair from Once Upon a Time Books tonight, Dec 1st, during Parent Literacy Night! We are offering gently-used children's books $1-$6 each. There are a lot of popular titles! It is CASH ONLY, so please come prepared. We look forward to seeing you!
The counselors will host our Family and Community Engagement book talk on "No-Drama Discipline", from 10am-12pm on Saturday at the high school. Please join us as we share thoughts on Dr. Daniel Siegel's whole-brain strategies for parents and anyone working with children. Snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact Mrs. Shover for details. ashover@artsk12.org
Both AAA campuses will host a Literacy Night, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 1. Come browse literacy and arts integration projects in each building and pick up developmental reading resources. At the K6 campus, there will be a Once Upon a Time book booth (a selection of books at low prices and possible Christmas gift ideas), as well as a representative with the Rogers Public Library.
Nov. 28th-Dec. 12th: HS Culinary Holiday Goodie Boxes for Sale
Nov. 29th: 6pm: K-12th Arts Parent Guild Meeting @ HS Campus Commons
Dec. 2nd: 6pm: K6 PTA Meeting @ K6 Campus PTA Room in Gym
Dec. 3rd: 1pm-4pm: HS Art Bazaar @ HS Campus
Dec. 3rd: 10am-12pm: Family Engagement Coffee and “No Drama Discipline” Book Discussion @ HS Campus Library
Dec. 3rd: 2pm-4pm: High School Holiday Piano Recital
Dec. 5th-16th: K6 Campus Canned Food Drive
Dec. 7th: HS Campus Retake Picture Day
Dec. 8th: K6 Campus Retake Picture Day
AAA K6 is partnering with the Samaritan Community Center to collect canned food. Items can be dropped off in the collection bins in the 4th/5th Grade Hallway. Contact Mrs. Shover with questions ashover@artsk12.org
EMS CAMPUS: glasses and trinkets lost and found. Please email your student's teacher to claim any items.
The Nov. 14th Literacy Night at both campuses is cancelled due to inclement weather. Rescheduled date TBD.
Nov. 14th Monday Memo!
Cancelled: Nov. 14th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Literacy Night is cancelled
Nov. 15th K6 Quarter 1 Report Cards going home in Tuesday Folders
Nov. 15th-17th: 6pm and 7:15pm: HS Acting Classes 1 and 2 Double Feature @ HS Campus Black Box Theatre
Nov. 17th: 8:30am-12pm: Optional Senior Portraits by Wingard @ HS Campus PAC
Nov. 17th: 6pm: HS Orchestra Concert @ HS Campus PAC
Nov. 18th: 8am: K6 Rise & Shine Assembly
Nov. 18th: 9am-2pm: K-4th Hoedown
Nov. 18th: 6pm: K6 Bingo Night
Nov. 21st-25th: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 22nd: 12pm-6pm: Culinary Everything Pumpkin Pick Up
Nov. 7th Monday Memo!
Nov. 7th-14th: K6 Book Fair @ K6 Library
Nov. 7th-10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales
Nov. 8th: All Day: Scooter’s Coffee on Walnut St. Spirit Night
Nov. 8th: 6:30pm: School Board Meeting @ HS Campus Commons
Nov. 10th: Art on the Bricks-Art by Veterans @ Downtown Rogers
Nov. 10th: Veterans Day Assembly @ HS Campus
Nov. 11th: No School - Veterans Day
Nov. 11th: 5pm-9pm: Adult Book Fair Fundraiser at Rogers Experimental House
Nov. 14th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Literacy Night
Save the Dates!
Both AAA Campuses will host a Literacy Night for the November Family Engagement Event. Come browse literacy and arts integration projects from 5:30-6:30pm and learn tips on helping your child with reading skills. The K6 Book Fair will be open in the K6 library!
Please join us for our Saturday, December 3rd Family Engagement Event from 10am-12pm at the HS Campus. We will discuss the book "No Drama Discipline" by Dr. Daniel Siegel. Books are available for check out with the school counselors. ashover@artsk12.org, kmiller@artsk12.org, afoster@artsk12.org
Thank you to everyone that join us at the AAA Night at the Museum! We love seeing our students and families come together at the beautiful Crystal Bridges to discuss learning that happens in and out of the classroom. Mark your calendar for April 13th for the Spring Semester Night at the Museum!
@Artsk12.org a K-12 Open Enrollment FREE Charter ART School in NWA. Designed for students interested in creative & innovative learning environments. Free transportation, field trips, arts pathways and rigorous core instruction. https://www.artsk12.org/page/lotteryprocess.
As an extension of Red Ribbon Week, K6 students attended a bike show on Monday sponsored by Dialed Action Sports and Schwinn Bicycles. Along with awesome bike tricks, the show included a message on safe choices and the importance of supporting one another's efforts and talents.
The K6 Campus continued it's journey with the Artful Learning team that visited us from all parts of the country to help teachers incorporate the Artful Learning arts-based skills and strategies into their classrooms. These strategies empower educators to use the arts and the artistic process to awaken and sustain the love of learning for all students. For more information, visit artfullearning.org.
Oct. 31st Monday Memo!
Oct. 31st-Nov. 10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales
Oct. 31st: 2nd Quarter Begins
Nov. 1st: AAA Lottery Registration Opens for 2023-2024 School Year
Nov. 2nd: 3pm-6pm: Kansas City Art Institute Portfolio Review @ HS Campus
Nov. 3rd: 8:30am-12pm: Optional Senior Cap/Gown Portrait Picture Day @ HS Campus
Nov. 3rd: 6pm-8pm: AAA Night at the Museum @ Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Nov. 4th-Nov. 14th: 7:30am-4:15pm: K6 Book Fair @ K6 Library (closed 2pm-3:45pm)
Nov. 4th: 8:30am: K6 PTA Meeting @ K6 Campus PTA Room in Gym
Nov. 5th: 11am-3pm: NWACC Portfolio Day for Visual Art @ NWACC
Giddy-up to the K4 Hoedown on Nov. 18th! Sit and enjoy the show and be prepared to do a lil' dancing yourself! Contact Mrs. Schuster for details. rschuster@artsk12.org
Oct. 24th Monday Memo!
Now-25th: Coat Drive @ Both Campuses. Sizes 5T-XL, new or gently used.
Now-Nov. 10th: HS Culinary Everything Pumpkin Sales
Oct. 24th-26th: K6 Tissue Box Jack-o-Lantern Decorating Contest (Turn in to Ms. Ussery in the K6 Library)
Oct. 24th: 5:30pm: Family Engagement Night: Suicide Prevention @ HS Campus Commons - Adults Only session and 14-18yo session
Oct. 25th: 8am PSAT/NMSQT for Sophomores and Juniors @ HS Campus
Oct. 25th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: It’s Crazy to Use Drugs: Wear Crazy Clothing, Hair, & Socks
Oct. 25th: Doors Open at 5:15pm: 7th Grade Fall Showing @ HS Campus
Oct. 25th: 5:30pm: College Application/Scholarship Workshop @ HS Campus
Oct. 26th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: Chase Your Dreams, Not Drugs: Wear Pajamas
Oct. 26th: 5:30pm: NWACC Concurrent Classes Presentation @ HS Campus
Oct. 27th: HS Campus Picture Day
Oct. 27th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: We’re Too Bright for Drugs: Wear Neon Colors and Shades
Oct. 28th: Hot Cocoa for $1/cup @ K6 Campus. Funds support 4th grade space camp trip.
Oct. 28th: K6 Red Ribbon Week: Say BOO to Drugs and Bullying: Wear Costumes
Oct. 28th: K6 Rise and Shine Assembly and Fall Parties.
Oct. 28th: 7pm: 7th-8th grade Fall Formal @ HS Campus
Oct. 29th: 6pm-9pm: Fall Festival & Escape Rooms @ HS Campus
K6 Campus! Red Ribbon Week starts Monday the 24th. See the attached image for each day's theme.
Attention K6 Families!
Instead of decorating pumpkins this year, let’s decorate tissue boxes!
1. Purchase a new box of tissues. It can be any size.
2. Decorate the outside with a book theme (character, book cover, series, etc.). Be creative (but appropriate for school!)
4. Include your NAME, GRADE, and TEACHER on the bottom of the box.
5. Bring it to the library October 24-26.
Three winners from each grade level will receive a Book Fair gift card!
Tissue boxes will be kept at the school to use throughout the year. Questions? Email Ms. Ussery at bussery@artsk12.org.