K-6 Virtual Students, If you ordered a yearbook last year, please come by the main office and pick them up. Also, virtual student picture day will be held on November 18 at the 7-12 campus.
about 4 years ago, David Skelton
One of our visual art students uses his amazing artistic skill to help teach the importance of Red Ribbon Week. #ChooseArt
about 4 years ago, David Skelton
Another day of amazing visual art creations at the K-6 campus! #ArtIsLife
about 4 years ago, Matt Young
Don’t forget to wear your favorite team gear tomorrow for Team Up Against Drugs day! #RedRibbonWeek
about 4 years ago, Matt Young
There are extra 2019-2020 K6 Yearbooks for $20 each. Email Mrs. Seay dseay@artsk12.org if you would like to order one.
about 4 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Extra K6 Yearbooks
AAA School District Board Meeting on 10/20/2020 @6:30 pm Attend in person: AAA High School Commons area, 506 W Poplar Street, Rogers, AR 72756 - masks required and social distancing enforced. Meeting also livestreamed on AAA YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn8fwb_gfm5duWpnQdC75gw Members of public allowed to speak either live or virtually (3 min/person - only first 5 to register here: https://artsk12.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Wg6CiC8LTlGW3i8ToP6uhA Agenda published here: https://www.artsk12.org/o/district/browse/97248
over 4 years ago, Victor Craig
2019-2020 K6 Yearbooks have arrived! If you ordered a K6 yearbook last year, please stop by the K6 office to pick it up. (Current 7th graders: your 19-20 yearbook is at the HS campus) To purchase one of the extra K6 yearbooks, email Mrs. Seay dseay@artsk12.org.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Yearbooks Are Ready
over 4 years ago, Joan Miller
Pumpkin Contest flyer
Dia De La Indepencia Mexicana
over 4 years ago, Victor Craig
GLOW Dance Auditions have been cancelled for today. Look for information from Mrs. Finley about new audition information.
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
Help our computer science class improve their resources by entering our school to win this contest. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOaRFOEzzHbAdbyUmWE8aVeDgfLc_L9JPw3AlslIzrlm0P-Q/viewform
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
3rd-4th Graders, Join Mr. Shields after school on Fridays to rock out on the guitar! Lessons last until 4:30 and each class costs $10. You must RSVP before attending by emailing Mr. Shields mshields@artsk12.org.
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
Picture Day for K-6th grade students is Tuesday, Sept. 1st! This picture day is for in-person students only. Another picture day is being scheduled for virtual and blended-learning students. Contact Mrs. Fries with picture-day questions. afries@artsk12.org
over 4 years ago, Rachel Carpenter
Picture Day
Arts Academy Families, We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow and thank you all for your patience as we open our doors back to our students. We wanted to make sure to remind you all of a few things to help improve our start tomorrow: All parents will ask their child the Covid-19 screening questions, provided by the school nurse, every morning. If the parent allows their child to attend school, they are communicating to the school that they answered NO to all of the screening questions. School doors will open daily at 7:15 to the 4th/5th grade building. Students will go to assigned areas by grade level to wait to be dismissed to classroom at 7:30. (K-3 in cafe, 4-6 hallway) For the first day of school, classrooms will open at 7:15 and entries to the K-3 along with the 6th grade center will be open Students can not be dropped off before 7:15. Car Riders: Students will have their temperature taken in their car when they arrive in the morning. Students need to remain in the car until a staff member has come to their car. If the reading is 99.8, the family will be asked to park so the school nurse can evaluate the situation and determine if the child can come to school. Make sure your student exits the car with a mask. Bus Riders: Students will have their temperature taken before getting on the bus. Parents must wait at the pick up point until their child has entered the bus before leaving. Students with 99.8 or higher will not be allowed to enter the bus. Walk-In: All students are encouraged to exit the car on their own. Students who need their parents to walk them to the school building will have their temperature checked at the building door. If the parent is walking into the building, their temperature will also be checked. Make sure everyone is wearing their mask. Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria in a grab and go format with the students eating their meal in their classroom at 7:30. Students arriving at school after 8:00 AM will need to call 636-2272 and wait in their car outside of the 4/5 building (Main Office) until the child's temperature is checked by a staff member. Lunch will be served in the student's classroom. DISMISSAL INFO: Students will remain in their last period class for dismissal each day. 4th graders who are in PE and intervention will return to their classroom. Parent walk-up will not be an option at this time. Students who are walkers will be dismissed after the completion of car line. Student dismissal will begin at 3:00 each day. Students need to be picked up no later than 3:30 each day. Make sure your child's teacher knows how your child is going to get home every day. We are excited to have students again on campus and look forward to a new school year! Mr. Young and Mr. Skelton
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
We look forward to seeing some of you today for open house. Make sure you wear your mask and please know that we will be taking the temperature of everyone entering a building. If you are attending open house, make sure you have asked the COVID screening questions and answered no to all of them. You have signed up for a specific time with your child's homeroom teacher. If you would like to visit with any of the art teachers or other specialists, they will be in the gym. The amount of people of the gym at one time will be limited to allow for social distancing. Please arrive for your appointed times at the following locations: K-1 South Entrance of K-3 building (awning connects 4-5 and K-3 building) 2-3 West Entrance of K-3 building( door at end of building next to 13th street) 4-5 Main Entrance of 4-5 building (main entrance) 6th Classroom door at 6th Grade Center Also, we ask you to utilize this time for your First Day of School pictures in order to make Monday go smoother. Virtual students should have received information from their virtual teacher. Thank you all for your amazing patience and let's have a great year, Mr. Young and Mr. Skelton
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
K-6 Virtual and Blended Students, If you need a chromebook to use for this school year, please come by the K-6 campus on Wednesday from 9-3 to check one out.
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
Due to the Covid-19, Fourth grade Space Camp trip has been moved to May 12-14, 2021
over 4 years ago, Victor Craig
School Supply Time for K-6 Students! Arts Academy Families, It is time for school supply shopping with Tax Free Weekend upon us. Here are your options for this school year. 1) Pay $30 supply fee on My Payments Plus (beginning next week) for blended and on campus learners. 2) Email Ms. Welch for grade level supply list and do your own shopping. lwelch@artsk12.org for blended and on campus learners. 3) Go here for the virtual school supply list https://5il.co/ixdj
over 4 years ago, David Skelton
school supplies
Welcome to the newly christened Mary Ley Compassion Commons at AAA High School
over 4 years ago, Victor Craig
Mary Ley Compassion Commons at Arkansas Arts Academy High School
Help our school win $1000 from Quaker and AdoptAClassroom! Check you cabinets for Quaker brand cereals and go to the following website: quakerbacktoschool.com Three winners are chosen every day.
over 4 years ago, Matt Young