Hi seniors and parents of seniors! There is an organization that could be very beneficial to you as you prepare for the college application process. QuestBridge is a nonprofit that connects academically outstanding students from low-income backgrounds with admission and full four-year scholarships to 50 top colleges through the National College Match. We encourage you to learn more about the National College Match application, which closes in late September. This is a college admission and scholarship process through which high-achieving, low-income students can be "matched" — admitted early with full four-year scholarships to QuestBridge college partners. The Match Scholarship is offered as part of a generous financial aid package provided by the college, and it is worth over $200,000. More information about eligibility is available at www.questbridge.org. Please check it out! The deadline to apply is September 26, 2023. ___________________________ Hola Estudiantes de la secundaria último año, y sus padres, Existe una organización que podría resultar muy beneficiosa mientras se prepara para el proceso de solicitud de ingreso a la universidad. QuestBridge es una organización sin fines de lucro que conecta a estudiantes académicamente destacados de entornos de bajos ingresos con admisión y becas completas de cuatro años a 50 de las mejores universidades a través de National College Match. Le recomendamos que obtenga más información sobre la solicitud de “National College Match", que cierra a finales de septiembre. Este es un proceso de admisión y becas universitarias a través del cual los estudiantes de alto rendimiento y bajos ingresos pueden ser "emparejados": admitidos anticipadamente con becas completas de cuatro años en universidades asociadas de QuestBridge. La beca Match se ofrece como parte de un generoso paquete de ayuda financiera proporcionado por la universidad y tiene un valor de más de $200,000. Más información sobre la elegibilidad está disponible en www.questbridge.org. ¡Por favor, míralo! La fecha límite para postularse es el 26 de septiembre de 2023.
over 1 year ago, Meredith McDowell
National College Match
Juniors, seniors, and parents, We are excited to offer four college events this fall 2023. Please see event descriptions attached and join us! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Estudiantes de la secundaria tercer año, último año, y sus padres Nos complace ofrecer cuatro eventos universitarios este otoño de 2023. ¡Consulte las descripciones de los eventos a continuación y únase a nosotros!
over 1 year ago, Meredith McDowell
Fall College Events
Fall College Events
Fall College Events
Fall College Events
Check out this weeks edition of the HS Campus Newsletter: The ARTicle https://www.smore.com/92d64
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Check out this weeks newsletter! The ARTicle https://www.smore.com/eqh02
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Arkansas Arts Academy High School Graduation Commencement Class of 2023 Friday, June 2, 2023 Performing Arts Center (PAC) Doors open at 6:00pm Procession begins promptly at 6:30pm Each graduating senior will be given a maximum of 10 tickets. Tickets allow entrance to the PAC or the Commons area for live streaming of the ceremony. Seating is first come, first served. Reach out to Amber Foster at afoster@artsk12.org with any questions or concerns. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFj2g6-t0Q/TnzG_E4_KrI-3wzw5LmA5w/view?utm_content=DAFj2g6-t0Q&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel
almost 2 years ago, Amber Foster
Graduation Ceremony
Just a quick reminder! We do have school this Thursday and Friday!
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Check out The ARTicle! https://www.smore.com/q3ny1
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
AAA Events Reminder https://www.smore.com/ex1mg
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Check out this weeks newsletter! https://www.smore.com/1b6pc
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
The ARTicle
It's time to congratulate three of our 7th grade students, Corissa Arnold, Britton Dixxon, and Scott Hansen, who won 2nd place in the Great Arkansas History Video Game Coding Competition for their game "The Crescent Haunting". The competition invited students to create a video game based on their favorite Arkansas ghost story, and our students impressed the judges with their creativity and technical skills. In their game, you play as Jasper the cat as you explore the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR, learning about the history of the hotel and about some of the ghosts that have been reported there. The team put in a lot of hard work and dedication into this project. They created all the artwork, textures, and music themselves, using no pre-made assets, and the game consisted of 1895 lines of code. Their success is a testament to their talent, teamwork, and dedication to learning, and it is an inspiration for all of us to continue to push our students to achieve great things. Their game can be played here if you would like to check it out: https://arcade.makecode.com/S47418-59182-57707-35415
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Video Game
Congrats to our May Teacher of the Month and Students of the Month!
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Check out this weeks edition of The ARTicle! 5/8 - 5/12 https://www.smore.com/j9rsm
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Arkansas Arts Academy was recently ranked #1 in Best High Schools for the Arts in Arkansas! Check out all of the other fun facts you can learn about AAA by visiting the website! https://www.niche.com/k12/arkansas-arts-academy-high-school-rogers-ar/
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Check out The ARTicle! https://www.smore.com/xfrup
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
The Article
Check out this opportunity to have your senior portraits taken!
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Senior Portraits
Important Senior End-of-Year Event Information All seniors need to attend the Senior Meeting on Thursday, April 27th, at 9:45 am. Hello, Seniors and families. April 24th, 2023 You are nearing the finish line of your high school career, and graduation will be here before you know it. Mrs. Foster and Ms. Dale have a lot of important information to share with you. Please plan to attend the senior meeting scheduled on Thursday, April 27th, 2023, at 9:45 am. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend if they wish; however, it is not required. Graduation is scheduled for Friday, June 2nd, at 6:30 pm in the Performing Arts Center at the High School. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. Each graduating senior has up to four available seats for family and friends using a ticketing system. Please complete the Graduation Ticket Request Google Form indicating how many tickets are necessary for the family of your graduating student. Requests for additional tickets will be granted based on availability, and you will be notified by email if you are able to receive additional tickets. Please make one submission of the Google Form per graduating student. Mrs. Foster and Ms. Dale will be discussing important events leading up to graduation and regarding the ceremony itself at the senior meeting on Thursday, April 27th, at 9:45 am. We will also be announcing the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Graduating Class of 2023. Graduation announcements and caps and gowns will be distributed at this time as well. Your matching cap and gown are required to participate in the commencement ceremony, and you must wear dress shoes, no sandals or flip flops for the graduation ceremony; if you have questions on attire, please check with a counselor or administrator. Important dates for seniors to know: Senior Informational Meeting in Commons 4/27/23 at 9:45am Credit Recovery classes, CPR certifications, and passing the Civics exam must be submitted by 5/1/23 Graduation hat decoration (if you choose to do this) must be approved by administration by 5/19/23 Graduation Ticket Request Google Form must be submitted by 5/19/23- form is here. The last day of classes for Seniors who are in good academic standing and on track to graduate is 5/24/23. Seniors must pass all of their required courses and graduation requirements, or they will not walk with the Class of 2023 nor receive their diplomas. Parents, please check your student’s grades in eSchool (HAC). Senior finals will be held on Monday, 5/22/23, and Tuesday, 5/23/23. Senior Awards Assembly will be held on Wednesday, 5/24/23, at 9:00 am, followed by the Senior Walk at the Elementary School. Graduation regalia, including honors cords and stoles, will be distributed at this time. Graduation rehearsal will be on Thursday, 6/1/23, from 9:00 - 11:00 am in the PAC. This is mandatory for seniors who intend to attend/walk at graduation. Senior Showcase rehearsal and art set up will be on Thursday, 6/1/23, from 12:00 - 2:00 pm. Senior Night, a traditional dinner between seniors (no parents at this time, please) and staff, will be on 6/1/23 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the commons. Senior Showcase (families encouraged to attend) will be in the PAC on 6/1/23 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, followed by Senior Sunset. Graduation is on 6/2/23 at 6:30 pm in the PAC. Seniors need to arrive by 5:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Amber Foster, 10-12 Counselor, at afoster@artsk12.org or Ms. Dale, 10-12 assistant principal, at jdale@artsk12.org. Sincerely, Mrs. Amber Foster, 10-12 Counselor Ms. Jamie Dale, 10-12 Assistant Principal
almost 2 years ago, Amber Foster
Graduation Information and Important Senior Dates
The ARTicle See what's up at Arkansas Arts Academy this week! https://www.smore.com/51qts
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
ACT Aspire Day 3 raffle winners! We are proud of the hard work our students have shown. We are looking forward to seeing the growth you have made.
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
ACT Aspire
ACT Aspire Day 2 raffle winners! Make sure you are at school and ready to go tomorrow to get your chance for TRIPLE tickets! Get a good nights sleep, healthy breakfast, and make sure your chromebook is charged!
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School
Day 2
ACT Aspire Day 1 raffle winners! Make sure you are at school and ready to go tomorrow to get your chance for more tickets! Tomorrow is the Reading/English exam.
almost 2 years ago, AAA High School