Greetings AAA students, staff, families, and friends! 

Welcome to the inaugural "issue" of Facets, AAA’s Literary & Art Journal. We hope this small project will grow and expand each year.

Facets will strive to reflect all the sides of Arkansas Arts Academy's students and their artistic and academic pursuits. Although there are many facets to a gem, it shines as one.

In this issue, you will find a variety of student writing: Podcasts, Poems, One Act Play Scripts and scene readings, and student advocacy in the form of a letter.  Students also shared artwork which we hope to have so much more with next year’s edition. 

A special thanks to the administration for their support and encouragement of  all  the Arts and to the students for their hard work and willingness to share their words and work. 

Ms. Gloria Spalter

Facets Link: