Good morning AAA Diamonds!
Hopefully you have all received Nurse Milligan's communique regarding the closing of both campuses and pivot to remote learning for Monday, September 14th. While we currently have no reported positive cases on the 7-12 campus, we do have multiple teachers and students in quarantine because of their relationship to someone who had close contact with a person who tested positive and several individuals who are symptomatic and awaiting test results. Being virtual on Monday gives us the time to coordinate with the state department of health and education and allows for our cleaning service to provide a deep clean of both campuses above and beyond their nightly sanitation routine. It also allows an additional day for test results from those students and staff who received tests last week. We hope to reopen for face-to-face instruction on Tuesday. Everyone will receive an update on Monday as to what our guidance is and how we will proceed.
In light of the pivot to remote learning, I want to take the opportunity to make sure everyone has clear information regarding meal service and attendance when we cannot be on campus.
Meal Service
- All meals are free for all students through the end of this calendar year. If your student was charged for meals in the first few weeks of school, their account will be reimbursed. Grab and go items like ice cream, sodas, and chips that are above and beyond the main meal are not covered by this policy change.
- Families can still pick up meals from the school anytime a change to remote learning occurs. To sign up for meal pick up, please complete this form: Meals can be picked up each Monday between 9 and 10 am from the loading zone on the east side of the 7-12 campus.
- If you have questions about meal service or menus, you can contact our Cafeteria Manager, Tonya Keys. Her email is
Attendance protocol
- All instruction is synchronous (happening during the school day). In order to be counted present students need to complete assignments and/or participate in face-to-face or virtual sessions with teachers during the scheduled period. This attendance policy comes from the state guidance on attendance for this year which I have attached below.
A student is absent if the student is not:
1. Present for onsite instruction provided by the district,
2. Participating in a planned district-approved activity, or
3. Engaged in scheduled instruction at an off-site location, including remote learning.
- If your student can not engage during a specific period because they are ill or have a doctor's appointment or other activity, they will be counted absent for that period. Medical notes, absence excuses, etc can be turned into Brendan Curington who will be transitioning to the title of registrar. His email address is
- Any work missed when a student needs to be absent can be completed as make up work.
- Regardless of the learning option chosen, students will have assignments to complete and/or virtual or face-face sessions to attend everyday.
- Please remember that ten absences of any kind, can result in loss of credit for a course.
- If a student is having technical issues during the class period and is unable to connect, please contact that teacher as soon as possible. Tech support is also available by emailing
Teacher Availability During Remote Learning
- The teacher work day is from 8 am to 4 pm each school day regardless of whether we are on campus or in a remote setting.
- Teachers are available to their students during their scheduled period. If a teacher is unavailable due to illness, appointment, etc., they will have work posted and have completed a leave of absence request form. When unavailable, a teacher will let students know through Google Classroom.
Where to Find Assignments
- All assignments, including those completed in other platforms, are posted and described in Google Classroom.
- The Google Classroom tutorial is available here:
- Grades and attendance are posted in our online gradebook eSchool and visible through the Home Access Center.
We understand that these are stressful times for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to myself or Mrs. Carpenter. Thank you for your patience and thank you for choosing Arkansas Arts Academy!
Heather Wright
Principal, 7-12 Campus