Good morning!
We finally made it to the last week of school! I hope that everyone has a fantastic summer and you all stay safe. Remember to wear your mask if you are out and about in NWA. We are experiencing quite a spike in cases of Covid-19 right now.
Your teachers will be finalizing your grades this week and we will release report cards on June 18th next week. Any students who have not been participating in our distance learning will be receiving summer work packets in order to earn their 4th quarter grade. These packets will focus on the essential skills needed to be successful in the next grade level.
The state has finally released their ready for learning guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year. That document can be found here. As the administration begins to process the guidelines and define how we will operate next school year, we will be sending out surveys and updates throughout the summer. Thank you to everyone who completed our Covid-19 feedback survey. If you didn't complete it and would like to let us know your thoughts, you can access the survey form here.
Yearbook Update! Yearbooks on both our K-6 campus and our 7-12 campus have been delayed due to Covid-19. All yearbooks will be arriving in August and we will distribute them at that time. If your student is graduating or transferring, we will hold the yearbook for pickup or can mail or drop off if necessary.
Remember that you can begin dropping off Chromebooks and other school supplies starting today. Drop off hours are between 8 am and 4 pm each day this week and next. We ask that all school supplies be returned no later than 4 pm on Friday, June 18th.
If you missed graduation and would like to view the ceremony, it can be found on our website or YouTube channel. Congratulations to all of our 2020 graduates! We know you will do fantastic things and help shape a better future for all of us. The senior art student showcase is posted on our website here as is our senior dance showcase. Please check the showcases out and enjoy the gifts of our departing graduates who have been working for four years to master their art forms.
The office on the 7-12 campus will be open for summer hours beginning June 22nd. The office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm. We will be closed the week of July 4th and then open again the following week.
Again, have a wonderful summer! Stay safe! We'll see you in August!
Heather Wright